The Natal Mark held their annual convocation on Saturday 21st September 2019 in Umhlali, about 50 km north of Durban. From our Western Division, three representatives were in attendance. Namely District Grand Master Pieter van den Berg, Assistant District Grand Master Hilton Oates and District Grand Secretary John A. Darné.
The sitting Natal District Grand Master, Paddy Roberts made a very nice retiring speech. The new District Grand Master, Wayne N. Johnston was then Installed as District Grand Master. This was followed by the Investiture of the new Deputy District Grand Master, Tony da C. Caloba and the Assistant District Grand Master Bryan C. Hedges.
The usual outstanding Festive Board was then held in the refectory with the ladies being present. Speeches, liquid refreshment and a lovely luncheon followed.
Paddy Roberts enjoying a beer and Western Division’s three representatives.
The “Top” table and John Darné with Paddy Roberts.
As an aside, the District Grand Secretary proved his bravery by riding a Crocodile at the Scottburgh Crocodile park. The croc shown in the picture is the biggest one in the park and is over 100 years old and has signed an accountable number of babies.
All in all a GREAT time was held by all…..