Mark Benevolent Fund Grand Parade

Mark Benevolent Fund Grand Parade

The Mark Benevolent Fund has carved out a reputation for disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others, giving an average of over £206,000 each year for the last one hundred and fifty years to individuals in need and worthy causes which benefit the wider community.

It is this outward-looking aspect of the work of the Fund that we particularly paid homage to, at a special meeting of Mark Grand Lodge, with representatives in attendance from charitable organisations that have benefited from grants to worthy causes in 2018.

We have been delighted to work closely with each of the charities represented by providing funding for transport, medical equipment, buildings, furniture and many other items to complete or progress projects in a wide range of areas. The support provided to these organisations by the Mark Benevolent Fund has enabled each of them to achieve their goals more quickly than might otherwise have been the case.

The partnerships we have forged with over fifty charitable organisations in 2018 will endure and underline the Mark Benevolent Fund’s commitment to practice charity in its broadest sense.

W.Bro. Darren Coleman-Heald, P.A.G.D.C.,

Charities Manager,

Mark Masons’ Hall

Issued from The Charities Office Mark Masons’ Hall

86 St James’s Street LONDON SW1A 1PL
