Eastern Annual Communication visit by Western Division

On the 26th July 2019, four members of Western Division, namely P. van den Berg DGM, D.L. Gadd-Claxton DDGM, H. Oates ADGM and J.A. Darné DG Secretary, flew to Port Elizabeth and then drove to Port Alfred to attend the Eastern Division Annual Communication on Saturday 27th July. They were hosted royally, by Francois Vosloo and his wife Wendy. The three chains stayed in the rondawel on “The Island”, while the Secretary stayed in the main house.

On the Friday afternoon the Lodge was opened for drinks and snacks. The Secretary met up with his old workmate, a goodly number of years back, from Oranjemund, Mike Soroczynski and his wife Sue. Mike is currently DG Secretary of Eastern. See picture.

Mike and Sue and John.

Drinks and snacks were served and a fine time was had by all. The proceedings were then adjourned and Francois and his wife hosted us to a wonderfully tasty meat and rolls braai. Beer was on tap as well as other liquid refreshment. A thoroughly good evening was had by all.

On the Saturday morning, breakfast and coffee was enjoyed in Port Alfred while watching rugby at a coffee shop.

Breakfast and rugby at the coffee shop

Saturday morning was the big meeting. This was enjoyed by all and followed by a three course festive board and liquid refreshment.

The Top table

One of the other tables
Western Division attendees
D.L. Gadd-Claxton, D. Cameron, A. Kirkaldy & J.A. Darné

As per usual, Western Division were the last to leave the Lodge after a really good social……..

Last to leavers…….

Saturday evening, a small braai was held on “The Island” hosted by Western Division, to thank our hosts for their fantastic hospitality.

Pieter and John at the airport
Sunrise on “The Island”
Panoramic view of everyone
Dan Gadd-Claxton and Hilton Oates
Hilton, Francois, Wendy and Jeff Spiller

All in all a fantastic weekend which was thoroughly enjoyed by all.